Getting my Footing

Dear Friend,
      When I was deciding on a subject to write this blog about, I brainstormed a number of different names to help spark topic ideas:

-The Life of a College Student
-The Life of a White Female Suburban Dweller
-The Life of a (new) Kitten Owner
-The Life of a Wallflower
..and finally..
-The Perks of Being a Faux Flower
(a reference to the book The Perks of being a Wallflower)

     I suppose what most drew me to this name was the fact that I LOVE the book, but I did not want to identify with the title verbatim. I've always found faux flowers hilarious, because they try so hard to look real, dew and all. Sometimes they even fool people, but most of the time they just look tacky. I don't consider myself a "faux flower" in any form of the metaphor, but I consider the world I live in to be, in essence, "faux." Living in a suburb where every house is produced from the same five cookie cutter models, the trees are young and patterned, and the community park is as dull as a corperate office. Living in this environment makes me question what is "real," and why people are constantly trying to imitate it.
     Don't get me wrong, as much as it sounds like I am, I am not complaining (much)! I've learned to get creative and crafty with the resources available to me. Getting a kitten, remodeling my room, and starting a blog are a few of the ways I've been spending my time lately.
     I wanted to write about something people would care about. People would read, and maybe laugh, and maybe smile, and maybe nod their heads, and maybe read some more. But I know that right now this is for me to get my footing as an official "blogger." So for now, this will be mainly lists, and observations, and wishful thinkings.
     And if you happen to stumble upon this, and have gotten this far, I appluade you, I shake your hand, my hat's off to you! I encourage you to stay tuned, because things COULD get interesting at some point. :]


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