I once was Lost..

Dear Friend,

     A new layout! How cool! This reminds me of the good ol' Xanga Days :P.
     So on Friday I hung out with a new friend- yeah, a NEW friend! I met her in college 101 (or college lol, as my friends call it) and I guess we just sort of gravitated towards each other. We were forced in groups and it just so happened we were in a group together. I complimented her tattoos, found out her name's Amanda and next thing you know we were talking regularly! Things never usually work out that way.. especially not lately, at ECC. Everyone (including me) is in this mindset where they think they don't need to make any friends, because more than likely they already have a set group of friends that already go to ECC. And it's always weird to transition your set group of friends with new friends, which is why most people never bother.

       But we bothered! It went like this:

--I printed out directions to her house
--Went to go pick her up because she didn't have a car then
(she got one the next day)
--I never drive around Elgin, so of course, I get lost
--I was absolutely determined to make the night work anyway
--I end up driving home and printing an alternate route
--The alternate route is a success!
--We venture to the Elgin thrift store "Discount Village"
--We try on many a goofy outfits
--We take many a picture
--We find a few legit things to take home with us as well
--We head to Taco Bell for a snack

     And as the night closed to an end, she invited me to bake a cake with her friends that night. I was happy she invited me, and it sounded cool enough, except for the fact that there were going to be a lot of people there. When I'm in a new environment where I don't know anyone, I completely shut down. I keep my words to a minimum, and just laugh at every joke someone says. I appear very dull. And I didn't want this. This probably wouldn't have been so if I knew Amanda better, but I didn't have her to fall back on. Perhaps it's just me not willing to jump into something completely new just yet. But we did agree that we would hang out more, and in the process we would meet eachother's friends.
     Hahahah, the way I described it, the whole event sounded like a date. And to be honest, it sort of felt like one! Lol. On my way there, I was nervous about what she would think, what I would think, how the night would end.
     I'm glad we did make plans, and they worked out quite splendidly.
     I will have picture up soon!


 (notice little boy)


Dang, we're cool :D


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